Handel Opera Academy


Who can apply?

Handel Opera Academy is open to all singers over 18 who show sufficient skills to perform one of the parts in the opera. Whether you are a graduate or still a student, you are welcome to apply. A music diploma is not required.

What is the deadline for application?

We will choose the first cast from the applicants on February 1st, 2023. The second cast will be chosen on March 1st. This means that the earlier you send us your application the more chances you get at being cast!

Is there an application fee?

There is a one-off application fee of 39 EUR. Once you are accepted we will ask you to pay the full tuition fee.

How can I apply?

You have to fill in the application form which can be found on the “Apply” page. Please note that we also ask you to upload two video links to recordings of you performing or rehearsing.

Will I get my money back if I withdraw before the academy starts?

Unfortunately we cannot offer reimbursement of any costs that you incurred (including fees already paid) in case of your withdrawal.

How many casts will there be?

We plan to have 2 full casts for the opera.

Is each cast guaranteed a performance opportunity?

Each cast will have at least one full performance of the opera and a general rehearsal ahead of the performance.

If I didn’t get the role I wanted in the first cast, can I still get it in the second cast?

Yes, applying early will ensure that you get more chances to get the role you want.

Will there be an orchestra?

Yes, Handel Opera Academy will work with a Baroque orchestra.

How can I get to the venue?

We will provide detailed travel information to get you to Tarnowskie Góry. If anything is unclear, we will make sure to help you.

What language are we going to speak?

All rehearsals, lessons and masterclasses will be conducted in English. However, our staff can also speak Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch and Polish and Russian, so outside of the classes you will be able to communicate with us in any of those languages.

What are the arrival and departure dates?

The arrival day is July 1st and the departure day is July 31st.

When will I receive the detailed schedule for the project?

We will send out the detailed schedule one month before the academy. However, the order of the scenes to be worked on will be subject to change.

Is accommodation included in the fee?

Yes, accommodation is included.

What will the accommodation be like?

Participants will stay in Hotel “Opera” which is located in the city centre near the rehearsal venue. All rooms are double.

Are the meals included in the fee?

The hotel accommodation includes breakfast. Other meals are not included. However, the hotel restaurant will offer all participants dinner at a discounted price.

How can COVID-19 affect the project?

The risk of the academy not happening because of the pandemic are very low. However, if we need to postpone the academy, you will keep your place for when the academy finally takes place.

Where can I check the current Polish restrictions about COVID-19?

You can check the current situation on the official website of Polish government: https://www.gov.pl/web/coronavirus/general-information